Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Bathtime is one of Bela's favorite things. Tied with picking up rocks, and anything else involving water ie: pools, fountains, the dogs water dish, etc,
Here are 48 seconds for you start your day off with a smile.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Home again Home again, pheww

We've returned from our trip and although it was a lot of fun, I wouldn't call it a vacation. My definition of a vacation is relaxing. Being able to kick back and avoid the majority of responsibilities that await you at home. When you're traveling with a one year old, in a different time zone and sleeping at a different place each night including two nights on the ground in a tent...it's anything but relaxing.

In Coure d'Alene on the 4th
But that's ok. Like I said, we had a blast. The majority of the Davis family was there, minus a few St. Louis folks and, oh yea, my brothers. We got to meet the newer second cousins that we hadn't met yet, and introduce Isabela to some of her great aunts, uncles and cousins.

In Ronan
Montana is beautiful and I can see why people love it up there. The mountains are, as most mountains are, amazing. The weather was chilly though, and the days start around 4:30 and last until 10:30. Bed times were kind of lax. Thankfully we had no problem getting back into routine when we returned home. And when I say "we" I mean the kid.

In Glacier Park on the Road to The Sun

Speaking of kids...We find out in three weeks what this new one is. Exciting stuff, folks. Exciting stuff.