Friday, September 16, 2011


This past weekend was my brother Lee's wedding. All of us, minus the baby, were part of the wedding party. My new sister in law, is a wonderful person, and i'm excited for what's in store for this young couple.

At the rehearsal dinner we had a time where people could stand up and say something to the couple. My mom had told me about this a week in advance but i didn't think about saying anything until in was my turn. My other brother Mondo got up and said some nice words so i figured I better say something. Being unprepared was silly of me but no one is going to remember what was said anyways. I kept repeating how happy I was for them, and how excited I am to see what is instore for them. They're young, like Carlos and I were when we were married. A lot has happened in 6 years, some good, some rough, but we're happy and thankful for one another.

At the reception the next evening, my brother Mondo gave his best man speech. He had planned what to say and did a stand up job. One thing he said really stuck with me though. He said that his family is the coolest family he knows. I'm not saying that I agree with him because I'm so cool. Lord knows i'm not. But aside from that, he's right. A lot of people have amazing family relationships. They don't just get along, but they love being together. They rejoice with each other, they grieve with one another and they long for time together. This is the Davis family. We've always been big on family bonding. Whether it be through meals, holidays, vacations, camping, or music we sincerely enjoy being together.

We're all grown up now, and the family is only getting bigger as time passes. And as Meredith takes this leap into our loving, quirky, attention deficient and often overly emotional family, I hope she can see what Mondo meant. It's never about whose got the better family. It's about rejoicing in the one you have through love, sincerity, and laughter.


No, we're not moving. We'd love to but we're not. I won't bore you with the details but lets just say the economy sucks. You know somethings wrong when you can afford a newer, nicer, bigger home, but you can't afford to sell the smaller, older one you're already living in.
So in light of making the best of it, I've been thinking about re-organizing. We've frequently done this in the past 5 years that we've lived in our two bedroom home in order to make best use of our space. But now with two kids who are only getting bigger and a real estate market that doesn't look anywhere close to improving in the near future, it's becoming even more important to make the most of what we have.
I've always been one of those moms that tell people when buying gifts for my kids to stay away from anything big.
1. I don't want to have to find a place for it in a home that is running out of corners, and
2. Why spend big bucks on a life size kitchen set when my toddler is happy playing with the sticks and leaves she found in the yard (seriously, this is her newest thing...On the bright side, Carlos doesn't have to pick up as many sticks before mowing). Thankfully, people have listened to me and because of that our house doesn't look like a ransacked isle of Toys R Us.
The "playroom" is B's bedroom. However, it's almost time for the inevitable sharing of the bedroom for our two kids. I've held off this long because R tends to be a finicky sleeper. Meaning he often wakes up around midnight and cries just long enough for me to give in and feed him in order to get him back to sleep. He's not hungry just spoiled. I know, people, back off, it's a small house and I don't want him waking his sister.
Apparently my brother and I (17 months apart) shared a room as young children and that worked out fine. It couldn't have been too traumatizing because my mom barely remembers it.
All this to say, what are your thoughts? Kids sharing bedrooms. Different sleep schedules. They're young enough that the whole boy/girl thing shouldn't matter for a few more years. And by then, God willing, we'll be in a new home.
Tell me what you think.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


After 7 days away from home, I am glad to be back. We had a whirlwind adventure that included two 15 hour drives, one beautiful wedding, lots of cranky attitudes, two first trips to the beach, and good food. Lee is happily married to the woman of his dreams. The top of the line built in car tv's was money extremely well spent. R and B hated the ocean but loved the beach. Carlos and I were able to go on a much needed dinner date ocean side.
All in all the trip was a success! Now if the younger half of this family would just get out of their post vacation funk, we'd be good.
But then, what would I complain about...?