If I had Superman's speed I could be so much more productive. I could get everything done and still have time to be crafty and creative. Sometimes I over extend. I know this is a normal problem with moms and women in general, but I often make the mistake of assuming that I don't fit into the same mold. I tell myself that I am unique and in a 7 day period can manage to work 20 hours, be home with my kids 5 of those 7, do all the laundry, cleaning, cooking, disciplining and gardening. I do start all those things, but none of them always get seen to completion.
I long to be an expert gardener. I long to have sewing skills that allow me to whip up new outfits and decor items in no time. I long to provide healthy, balanced and yummy meals for my family every day. I long for many things. Unfortunately my garden will probably be overcrowded as usual this year b/c of my inability to plan for proper spacing, watering, soil pH etc. My sewing machine will continue to win in our battles of who's in charge b/c I don't have time to re-read the manual and don't sew enough to remember how I did it last time. And we'll probably eat take out or left overs way more than I care to admit because trying to cook every night is sometimes just too much.
Yes, it would be nice if I could move at the speed of light, turn back time and fly (because who doesn't wish they could fly?). But I'll have to settle with "good enough" abilities because, tonight, that's all I've got.