We've been having some issues. On average my kids are great sleepers. They came out that way...from day one. Lately, like 2 weeks or so, its been a battle to get B to nap or to sleep at night. She went through a more intense version of this right after R was born. Which tells me that this is just a phase. Once she's in bed, she goes right to sleep, it's getting her there that is so exhausting. On top of this she's been waking up at the most ungodly hours in the morning. Two mornings this week she woke up at 5. It's been a long 2 weeks with little sleep for everyone. However, this morning just makes me laugh. Carlos convinced me to let B stay up a little later last night to see if it would help her sleep later in the morning. And so, 7:00 bedtime became 8:00 bedtime. And sure enough, she slept until almost 7.
When she woke up I went and got her out of her bed brought her to our bed and then gave her a sippy cup of milk...this is our routine each morning. I then laid there with her as she drank, just wating for the inevitable "I want Dora, mami". She finished her milk handed me the cup, and just laid there for a few minutes. The next thing I know Carlos is poking me and pointing to the sound asleep toddler next to me. That was almosts 2 hours ago.
So we may or may not have turned a corner, but it's good to know she's catching up today on all the missed sleep over the past few weeks.
Now if only I could roll over and go back to sleep for a few more hours. Geez, wouldn't that be great.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Total Meltdown
Remind me to never again judge a mom with screaming kids in the store. We have officially joined the ranks of those women that I, in the past, found myself secretly scrutinizing for letting their kids act like spoiled monsters in public.
The morning started off normal enough; breakfast, clothes, car ride to story time at Barnes and Nobles.
B managed to stay quiet and on the bench with the other kids for the majority of the 20 min. we were there listening to the books being read. There were a few times where she tried to take a book from another kid but I quickly jumped in, told her to share, and she obliged...no biggie.
When 10:30 rolled around and she was showing signs of needing a nap, I told her we were going to grab an ice water from the front Starbucks counter and head home. So, we walked to the front, ordered our drinks and then proceeded to play out every parents worse nightmare.
She kept laying on the floor, blocking other customers, she wouldn't get up, didn't want her water, refused to listen. Finally I said "OK, no water get up we're going to the car." Ha, right. So I had to carry her over my shoulder kicking and screaming all while trying to hold onto the car seat, the diaper bag and an iced coffee.
People kept giving me these "poor mommy" looks. I just smiled and beelined the best I could for the door.
We managed to make it to the car. Phew...psyche
As soon as I put both kids down to open the car, B takes a sprint back down the sidewalk towards the door. So I chased after her, dragged her back to the car, sat on her flailing body to buckle her into her car seat. Then we drove home, the whole 10 minute ride with her screaming, and hyperventilating about how she wanted to get down and go back.
Somehow I manged to keep my cool and laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation more than anything.
So, I apologize to all the strangers that I've ever looked at in similar situations and condescendingly thought "if only they would do x, y, or z". Or "Man, my kids would never act like that in public."
I also apologize to the staff and customers at B&N. Because although the majority of the screaming didn't start until we had made it to the parking lot, thanks to big open windows and my car parked right in front of them, they all got a nice view of the debacle of trying to get the monster into the car.
Damn you terrible two's, damn you.
The morning started off normal enough; breakfast, clothes, car ride to story time at Barnes and Nobles.
B managed to stay quiet and on the bench with the other kids for the majority of the 20 min. we were there listening to the books being read. There were a few times where she tried to take a book from another kid but I quickly jumped in, told her to share, and she obliged...no biggie.
When 10:30 rolled around and she was showing signs of needing a nap, I told her we were going to grab an ice water from the front Starbucks counter and head home. So, we walked to the front, ordered our drinks and then proceeded to play out every parents worse nightmare.
She kept laying on the floor, blocking other customers, she wouldn't get up, didn't want her water, refused to listen. Finally I said "OK, no water get up we're going to the car." Ha, right. So I had to carry her over my shoulder kicking and screaming all while trying to hold onto the car seat, the diaper bag and an iced coffee.
People kept giving me these "poor mommy" looks. I just smiled and beelined the best I could for the door.
We managed to make it to the car. Phew...psyche
As soon as I put both kids down to open the car, B takes a sprint back down the sidewalk towards the door. So I chased after her, dragged her back to the car, sat on her flailing body to buckle her into her car seat. Then we drove home, the whole 10 minute ride with her screaming, and hyperventilating about how she wanted to get down and go back.
Somehow I manged to keep my cool and laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation more than anything.
So, I apologize to all the strangers that I've ever looked at in similar situations and condescendingly thought "if only they would do x, y, or z". Or "Man, my kids would never act like that in public."
I also apologize to the staff and customers at B&N. Because although the majority of the screaming didn't start until we had made it to the parking lot, thanks to big open windows and my car parked right in front of them, they all got a nice view of the debacle of trying to get the monster into the car.
Damn you terrible two's, damn you.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Not that kind of mom
At the zoo last week for a play date, a little one fell down and her mom asked to see if any of us other moms had a band aid. We didn't. She then said, "I'm not that kind of mom." This made me laugh. It also got me thinking about being a mom and being prepared. I can't tell you the number of times I've been out and found myself with no extra diapers, or wipes. There have been a few times where I've forgotten pacifiers, a clean change of clothes, bottles for the formula, formula for the bottles. Sometimes I've left the whole diaper bag at home and brought nothing but my own wallet and phone. Those were not good days.
Anyways, the point is, I'm sure there are moms/dads out there that never forget. They probably keep extras of everything in there car just in case what's in the diaper bag isn't sufficient. And I'm sure there are those that always have band aids, possibly even whole first aid kits in their stroller. I'm just not one of them.
So as I was contemplating my lack of preparedness in reference to my kids, I came to the realization that I'm ok with it. If B leaves the house in 2 different shoes, than that's her problem. As long as it's not bothering her, why should it bother me? Or if she gets dirty while we're out, then she gets dirty. She's a kid, that's what they do.
I'm not condoning being neglectful, I'm just supporting my ability to be laid back. As long as my kids are healthy, safe and respectful, than the rest is just part of being a kid, and a mom. I'll continue to let the more prepared parents loan me a band aid or an extra wipe. Besides, being able to lend things out help those super prepared moms and dads feel like they've accomplished something by being more prepared. So if anything I'm helping their self esteem....You're Welcome.
Now if you'll excuse me, my toddler is running through the streets naked playing with sharp objects and feeding stray dogs.
Anyways, the point is, I'm sure there are moms/dads out there that never forget. They probably keep extras of everything in there car just in case what's in the diaper bag isn't sufficient. And I'm sure there are those that always have band aids, possibly even whole first aid kits in their stroller. I'm just not one of them.
So as I was contemplating my lack of preparedness in reference to my kids, I came to the realization that I'm ok with it. If B leaves the house in 2 different shoes, than that's her problem. As long as it's not bothering her, why should it bother me? Or if she gets dirty while we're out, then she gets dirty. She's a kid, that's what they do.
I'm not condoning being neglectful, I'm just supporting my ability to be laid back. As long as my kids are healthy, safe and respectful, than the rest is just part of being a kid, and a mom. I'll continue to let the more prepared parents loan me a band aid or an extra wipe. Besides, being able to lend things out help those super prepared moms and dads feel like they've accomplished something by being more prepared. So if anything I'm helping their self esteem....You're Welcome.
Now if you'll excuse me, my toddler is running through the streets naked playing with sharp objects and feeding stray dogs.

Monday, June 20, 2011
Zombies and 29
So, as Carlos takes over our bedroom TV to watch a zombie show, I sit here blogging. I'm not a zombie fan. Normally, once B goes to sleep, we get in bed and watch something on Netflix. We've just finished Arrested Development, and started on The Big Bang Theory. However being his birthday, I agreed to let him put on The Walking Dead. I'm doing my best to ignore it.
Today was Carlos' 29th. He took the day off of work and we headed to the Zoo. B had a blast and R did a pretty good job of behaving despite the 90+ degree weather. It was a day of family fun day.
Today was Carlos' 29th. He took the day off of work and we headed to the Zoo. B had a blast and R did a pretty good job of behaving despite the 90+ degree weather. It was a day of family fun day.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Idea for Dinner
I never buy frozen pizza. Ok, not never but it's super rare. It's also rare that we order pizza. Although if it were up to Carlos we'd probably eat Papa Johns at least twice a week. Because my husband does love his pizza, we eat it maybe once a week. But i make it all from scratch. Before you go complimenting me on my mad pizza dough making skills, know that i use the bread machine to make the dough and then stick it in a bowl to rise for an hour or so before rolling it out, topping it, and baking it. It's really quite simple. Yes, it takes more time than popping a frozen one in the oven for 2 min. But the end result is so much better.
When I lived in Costa Rica I became obssessed with a lunch spot that made calzones to order. I was a regular and would order one with jamon y queso...sin hongos. (ham and cheese, without mushrooms.) I always had to remember the no mushroom part because they automatically put them on everything. Anyways, although I've never been able to replicate the deliciousness of those specific calzones, I've sure as heck tried. Often I'll take my risen pizza dough, split it in half and make one calzone for me and one pizza for Carlos. (He prefers pizza even though I've expained that they're technically the same thing, just shapped differently) Anywho, I made pizza last night, and it was super yummy. Here's the recipe I used for the dough. I let the crust cook for 10 min on it's own before putting on the toppings just to ensure it cooks all the way through. Use regular red sauce, and any toppings your italian heart desires.
When I lived in Costa Rica I became obssessed with a lunch spot that made calzones to order. I was a regular and would order one with jamon y queso...sin hongos. (ham and cheese, without mushrooms.) I always had to remember the no mushroom part because they automatically put them on everything. Anyways, although I've never been able to replicate the deliciousness of those specific calzones, I've sure as heck tried. Often I'll take my risen pizza dough, split it in half and make one calzone for me and one pizza for Carlos. (He prefers pizza even though I've expained that they're technically the same thing, just shapped differently) Anywho, I made pizza last night, and it was super yummy. Here's the recipe I used for the dough. I let the crust cook for 10 min on it's own before putting on the toppings just to ensure it cooks all the way through. Use regular red sauce, and any toppings your italian heart desires.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Family Week!
This past week was insane. Both of my brothers plus Lee's fiance, Meredith, came into town for a family reunion/95th birthday party for my great uncle. We had a blast with all the family but are so glad to be back to our normal routine.

Thursday was spent at my grandmothers pool.

We started the week at the City Garden with Uncle Bobo
Friday morning my future sister in law and I went antiquing and found some really cool brooches so that she can have one of these on her wedding day. So cool, right?
Than off we went to a family bbq with my aunts uncles and cousins plus my dads cousins and all of their children and grand children. The ribs were quite yummy.
Than off we went to a family bbq with my aunts uncles and cousins plus my dads cousins and all of their children and grand children. The ribs were quite yummy.
Than Saturday was litterally a whirlwind. With shower brunch in the moring for Meredith, than photographs at the Ritz,

than me to a job interview.
Carlos and I than headed to the birthday celebration (sans kids) with the fam at Cardwells where we ate filet mignon. The magnificent food was a great end to the bussiest day ever.

My Great Uncle John had an amazing turn out with relatives flying in from all over the country/world. 80 people or so showed up and helped him ring in the next 5 years. Here's to 100 and celbrating in Paris

Sunday consisted of dad, Lee, Meredith and me leading worship at West County Fellowship. Lunch followed at my Aunt Carols house. Than this tired family all came home for naptime!
Monday, finally, arrived and the kids and I loaded up the car for a drive to Arcadia Valley to check out Elephant Rocks and Johnston Shutins. It was cold and rainy but a nice day spent with Aunts and Uncles I rarely see.

Like I said, I'm glad it's Tuesday and that everyone has pretty much headed home. The sitter is here and I'm supposed to be working. Better get to it.
Thursday, June 2, 2011

I love to cook. I take comfort in making a really good meal, or a fresh loaf of bread or scones. I find that through cooking, I'm able to just relax and enjoy the process of creating something. I'm obsessed with allrecipes.com and a couple of great cook books I've collected over the years.
Something I've always enjoyed are cooking blogs. There are quite a few that I've browsed over the years and have even taken recipes from. I have no intention of transforming this blog into that or creating a separate blog about cooking but I do want to try to feature some things that I've found and made for you the reader to perhaps enjoy. So, here are a few of my all time favorites:
1. Guava Bars. I recently found this recipe and must warn you that it's not possible to eat just one.
2. CPK's Chicken Tequila Fettucinni. The picture on this site doesn't due this justice. If you've eaten this at CPK, it's the closest I've found to the real thing...and it's amazing!
3. Grilled Steak and Pasta Salad. This is a great summer pasta salad.
I really could go on and on, but I won't. I'll save some for next time.
Something I've always enjoyed are cooking blogs. There are quite a few that I've browsed over the years and have even taken recipes from. I have no intention of transforming this blog into that or creating a separate blog about cooking but I do want to try to feature some things that I've found and made for you the reader to perhaps enjoy. So, here are a few of my all time favorites:
1. Guava Bars. I recently found this recipe and must warn you that it's not possible to eat just one.
2. CPK's Chicken Tequila Fettucinni. The picture on this site doesn't due this justice. If you've eaten this at CPK, it's the closest I've found to the real thing...and it's amazing!
3. Grilled Steak and Pasta Salad. This is a great summer pasta salad.
I really could go on and on, but I won't. I'll save some for next time.
Potty Training
I promised my dad that I would never discuss my children's bathroom habits on social networking sites. So this is me not discussing it....
There are certain things I've come to find as a young parent that I was not properly warned or trained for. I stand by the adage that if you wait until your ready/prepared to have kids, you'll never end up having them. That being said, I sometimes wish there had been a bit more prep. in some situations.
Exhibit A: Nursing is hard. Everyone makes it out to be this amazing experience that connects mom and baby. You're told that other than it being the healthiest thing for baby, it makes you feel like a much better mom. This sounds great, right? Sure, if you don't mind being sleep deprived, sore, inconvenienced and self conscious. Don't get me wrong, I nursed B for a full year and am still at it with R after almost 6 months, but can I just tell you how nice it will be when December rolls around and my body isn't either being taken over by a developing fetus or needed for dairy products! I mean I've seriously been pregnant and/or or nursing for almost 3 years straight.
Exhibit B. Sleep training. Now with B it was no big deal because despite the fact that she was an amazing sleeper, there was no one else around for her screams to bother. Now mind you, we live in a fairly small home and R doesn't technically have his own room. So at 3am when I should be letting him cry out, I instead feed him just to get him to go back asleep. We usually repeat this around 6am. UGHHHH! I've been advised by pretty much everyone that it's probably time to start putting cereal in a bottle for him before he goes to sleep at night but my stubbornness just isn't ready to cave....If I can make it to 6 months, than I feel like I've accomplished something. Sad, I know.
And Finally, Exhibit C. B used the "potty" once, I freaked out, gave her a treat and got her on the phone with pretty much every family member so she could tell them. That was 3 weeks ago. Enough said.
There are certain things I've come to find as a young parent that I was not properly warned or trained for. I stand by the adage that if you wait until your ready/prepared to have kids, you'll never end up having them. That being said, I sometimes wish there had been a bit more prep. in some situations.
Exhibit A: Nursing is hard. Everyone makes it out to be this amazing experience that connects mom and baby. You're told that other than it being the healthiest thing for baby, it makes you feel like a much better mom. This sounds great, right? Sure, if you don't mind being sleep deprived, sore, inconvenienced and self conscious. Don't get me wrong, I nursed B for a full year and am still at it with R after almost 6 months, but can I just tell you how nice it will be when December rolls around and my body isn't either being taken over by a developing fetus or needed for dairy products! I mean I've seriously been pregnant and/or or nursing for almost 3 years straight.
Exhibit B. Sleep training. Now with B it was no big deal because despite the fact that she was an amazing sleeper, there was no one else around for her screams to bother. Now mind you, we live in a fairly small home and R doesn't technically have his own room. So at 3am when I should be letting him cry out, I instead feed him just to get him to go back asleep. We usually repeat this around 6am. UGHHHH! I've been advised by pretty much everyone that it's probably time to start putting cereal in a bottle for him before he goes to sleep at night but my stubbornness just isn't ready to cave....If I can make it to 6 months, than I feel like I've accomplished something. Sad, I know.
And Finally, Exhibit C. B used the "potty" once, I freaked out, gave her a treat and got her on the phone with pretty much every family member so she could tell them. That was 3 weeks ago. Enough said.
Memorial Day Weekend
We had a fun weekend. Saturday we pretty much hung out around the house being as lazy as possible. No painting, drywalling, gardening. Just laziness. It was pretty great.
Sunday we walked to mass. Came home, gave the kids naps, woke up for lunch than packed up the car and headed to Forest Park for our first family bike ride. It started out great...clearly
However, it ended in tears for 50% of the trailers occupants. Unfortuanately it ended up being nap time for R and because the seats don't recline, he turned into a not so happy camper as we rode. Thanfully we were able to stop, take a break and let B play in the playground fountain. Being part fish, it was just what she needed on a hot day.
Monday, the kids and I got dressed and headed out the door to my cousins daughters 4th birthday party. there was cake and games and waterballoons. They played the three legged race which ended up being hillarious. Most of the kids were between 4-8 years old. Because B was so much smaller than all the others, they had to improvise in order to include her.
Sunday we walked to mass. Came home, gave the kids naps, woke up for lunch than packed up the car and headed to Forest Park for our first family bike ride. It started out great...clearly
However, it ended in tears for 50% of the trailers occupants. Unfortuanately it ended up being nap time for R and because the seats don't recline, he turned into a not so happy camper as we rode. Thanfully we were able to stop, take a break and let B play in the playground fountain. Being part fish, it was just what she needed on a hot day.
Monday, the kids and I got dressed and headed out the door to my cousins daughters 4th birthday party. there was cake and games and waterballoons. They played the three legged race which ended up being hillarious. Most of the kids were between 4-8 years old. Because B was so much smaller than all the others, they had to improvise in order to include her.
Anyways, while we partied, Carlos went out to play golf with a highschool friend. Now understand he's never played golf and never shown any interest in it....Low and Behold, he. loved. it.! He wants to get his own set of clubs and play regularly. He's going again this weekend. I may even join him. (I secretly think he liked getting to drive a golf cart and drink beer at the same time a little more than the actual sport itself) ;)
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