Tuesday, July 26, 2011


For the past year I've been curious about how B's bilingualness will develop. She's been a bit slower to start talking than most 2 year olds I know. But I've always chucked this up to the fact that she has to learn two languages. I don't know many parents that speak two languages in their homes so getting advice or hearing about other experiences is limited.
At home, the kids hear both languages pretty equally. I use a lot more English of course, but I try hard to use as much Spanish as possible. Carlos speaks Spanish almost exclusively to B but English to me. So she hears him use both. She clearly understands both languages. However as her vocab continues to grow rapidly, she seems to be verbalizing more English than Spanish. She uses a good number of Spanish nouns as opposed to their English counter part. However when it comes to verbs, she seems to speak in English. Ex: "I want, I don't want, Go, eat, etc.
I'm pretty confident that at some point her verbs will become bilingual as well.
Anyone else have experience or thoughts on this? Just curious.

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