Tuesday, November 1, 2011

If I Was More Organized

1. I'd blog more. I'm constantly thinking of great things to blog about. But I don't. I like to think that I do a pretty good job of managing my time, but I guess if I were really good, I'd pencil in an hour a week to sit down and write, which I don't. Which is obvious if you notice the month long gap between blog entries.
2. I'd send my brother a care package. It's been nagging at me for weeks to get a small care package together and mail to my brother who's currently spending a semester abroad in Salamanca, Spain. I remember getting mail in college and when I went abroad. It was the best thing ever to have a tiny taste of home while you're so far away. I promise, Mondo. I will send you something before you come home in December.
3. I'd create more. This weekend it became painfully apparent that my kid needs new shoes. He's outgrown the baby sizes and isn't big enough for the next group of hand-me-downs we've received. So after weeks of squishing his feet into booties, I cut out a few hours of the weekend to make him some shoes. I used to do make tons for Bela and even for friends that requested them. But I've just not had the same enthusiasm to do them for R. i think it's because this kid likes to drain as much energy from me as he can leaving me in no mood to do anything nice for him once he's gone to bed....#badmommy
Anyways, I made two pairs and was so excited with myself and the fact that he now has shoes to wear. It made me miss the old days when I made the time to do things like this. Oh and did I mention that 3 weeks ago B and I went to the fabric store and bought some awesome fabric to make her Halloween costume? Guess who then turned around and bought a jasmine outfit off Amazon three days later?...this girl.So here's to new shoes, care packages and blogging! Maybe I'll have more free time once they get to high school. A girl can dream.

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