She's turned into a bossy girl, which despite popular belief, is not cute or funny.
She thinks that listening is optional. This kid was super agreeable until a few weeks ago. Now it's "no mommy" or "I can't" or "I don't want to". Seriously if I weren't a better parent her butt would be a lot redder than it is. She seems to have inherited a bit of OCD from Carlos. I can't emphasize enough that this quality trait does not come from me. Things have to be a certain way. If they're not how she likes them she gets upset and whiny. It's the best.
So you don't think I spend all day everyday waiting for bedtime to roll around just to rid myself of my frizzy haired monster, perhaps I should point out the silver lining to this age. Her vocab is huge. She can tell me how she feels and talk to me about things she wants or doesn't want. She can use descriptions when talking about something or someone. It really is refreshing considering this is a kid that had very little to no vocab at the age of 2.5. She plays by herself which is great. It's not "mommy, come play with me" anymore. She loves bugs. OK not bugs, but caterpillars (which she calls petepillars and I've decided to never correct this mispronunciation because it's so adorable) and worms. She talks about them non-stop and anytime we're outside this is what she wants me to help her hunt for. I love that this kid will get dirty and touch slimy things. I know it won't always be that way but for now, i'm loving it!
She loves her new rain boots and puddle jumping. And what's cuter than a toddler in rain boots....?
And finally, she loves her father. She can't get enough play time and silliness with him. It makes my heart melt to watch her need him and want him in ways that only a child with a loving father would.
A few nights ago we were sitting in bed and Carlos was talking to Bela and told her "Bela I made you." and she looked at him and said "No, papi, God made me." That He did my dear, that He did.
(Photo by Madison Martin)
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