At a recent play date with some of my most favorite mommy friends, the subject of kindergarten came up. Apparently, and to my shocking astonishment, two of my friends were seriously talking about homeschooling. One friend who wasn't able to join us that day is also apparently seriously considering it. I sat and listened as the two discussed their why's behind picking home school over public/private. Obviously, private school is expensive for one kid, let alone multiples. But when these families live in great school districts and have always talked about public schools, it was so interesting to suddenly see how the tides have turned. They continued on for awhile about ideas they had for taking turns with each other kids for the early ed. years, activities they might try, etc. After about 10 minutes I piped in and said something along the lines of "I'm sorry but I don't think I could ever home school my kids." And to that, friend 1 responded "Do not apologize for not wanting to home school your kids. Every kid is different as is every mom." (I'm paraphrasing, but you get the picture.) But it got me thinking about perceptions. We've pretty much always said that if we are living in a good school district, Lord willing, our kids will go to public. There's really never been any doubt about it. I went to private, and I loved it and I totally appreciate it. C did both, private for grade school, public for high school. So we know the positives/negatives to both options. But as I sat there listening to their excitement over the thought of spending every day for the next 18-20 years in the house with their kids, yikes, I couldn't help but feel a little guilty. Am I a bad mom for not wanting this? Does this mean they love their kids more than I love mine because the idea of being the main provider of educational and social activities excites them?
Relax, I'm not still stressing out about these things. The truth is, I do love my kids. I'm a good mom and I adore my children. I want them to have an amazing education. Could they get that more from me then from the education system, maybe. But we'd all end up hating each other in the end. I respect the moms out there that want to home school. Not because they have to, but because they want to. I come from a family that dabbled in this a little so I've seen into that world. I also have family members that are homeschoolers. I'm not naive to the home school world as so many people are. It's sad, the crap that these families take for trying to educate and raise their kids from the safety of their own homes. Seriously, lighten up folks.
I'm just not that kind of mom. But it's more than that. I'm not that kind of woman. Does my kids happiness mean the world to me, of course. But, my happiness is important too, and there is nothing wrong with that. There are women/men designed so as to enjoy this style of learning, I just happen to not be one of them. And I'm OK with that.
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