On Saturday the electricity in our garage that Carlos uses to connect the leaf blower decided to quit working. He looked around, reset all the fuses in our house but nothing has helped. This was a bummer b/c not only does he have no electricity in the garage, he also doesn't know how to fix it himself.
On Monday after finishing up the first of the four classes that I teach out in West County, about a half hour drive from my home, I walked out to my car to find it dead. We jumped it, or tried to, but that didn't work. B/c we've *read "husband"* lazily ignored my months long suggestions of signing up for AAA I had to call a tow truck, have it and me delivered to the dealer. I was told it was going to cost an outrageous amount to replace the battery, and oh yea, there are two recalls on it, and it needs a new starter. So I was given a free rental (silver lining) and left in time to make it to my final class of the day.
Tuesday I went downstairs to do some laundry only to find the washer was not working. Carlos figured out that the circuit that the problem with the electricity in the garage had effected the line that the washer is hooked up to. Awesome. So until that problem is fixed, I have no washer unless I want to run an extension cord all the way upstairs and down the hall to a grounded outlet.
So today, when I realized that 2/4 of us were out of clean undies and socks I washed the necessities in the bathroom sink. I went back downstairs to stick the wet clothes in the dryer only to find that although working, it's not heating, due to what's probably a broken coil.
So, we have a broken car, no electric in the garage, no washer, and no dryer.
To be fair we should have seen it coming. I mean, it's been ages since any of our technology has broken down. We were due for some unfortunate financial commitments.
It's been a rough week in the Castaneda home...
I'm so sorry to hear that! Having no car is really tough (did you get to keep the rental all week?). Hand washing clothes stinks, but at least it's a way you can connect to generations past and people of all different cultures... right? :)
ReplyDeletelol, yes. I got to keep the rental for the two days they had my car. And thankfully, the washer and dryer problem have been solved. No more line drying. B/c lets be honest, I don't have time for that craziness.