Sunday, April 22, 2012


I mean seriously. When I say that I over committed myself to planning and executing my daughter's third birthday party, I'm completely understating the reality of the situation. I've worked day and night for six days or so in making things perfect for her big day. I made table decorations, hand painted goody bags, individual portions of home made chocolate covered popcorn, tutus and capes for party favors, and the list goes on. I picked a menu for this party of apps that were way more trouble than they were worth for a three year old. I made cupcakes and butter cream icing from scratch as well as ballerina cupcake toppers. I went all out. Or at least it felt like it. The biggest flaw in my elaborate party plan was that I wasn't hosting it in my own home. I had to transport all of the decorations and food 7.5 miles away to a county park that we had rented out for the festivities. We've used this park two years now and I love it for kids birthday parties. But having to get all of my stuff there turned out to be so stinking stressful. I kept telling myself that my efforts were going to be worth it and that it was going to make my little ballerina's 3rd party a memorable one. In the end though, it went off as any other kids's birthday party would. People ate the food, the kids played on the playground, we sang happy birthday, ate cupcakes, opened presents and then sent everyone home.
Sure people commented on how nice the food was, the party favors creative, and goody bags, but i'm not sure it was all worth my effort. On our way to the party i looked at the hubs and asked him if he was upset that i was so stressed out and his reply was "you're just not much fun to be around when you're like this". Yikes.
So with that in mind i've created a list of criteria that warrant me going crazy whilst party planning.

1. If it's in my own home
2. If it's to celebrate someone that is going to be old enough to remember it 6 months later
3. If I'm getting paid to plan

That's it folks. So, if you're thinking to yourself "man I really like how well planned or put together Becca's daughters 3rd birthday party was. Perhaps I should ask her to help me plan one myself," ... Be prepared to be charged.

On that note i'm off to do nothing for the next 5 days. If you need me I'll be in a hot tea and crappy TV show induced coma ignoring my children and my wifely responsibilities.

Peace Out

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Bela Nuggets

1. While looking at the story of Daniel and the Lions den, B pointed to the picture of the lion and said "is this Simba's friend?

2.Today presented itself with more than one timeout. When Carlos arrived home B talked about her timeouts a lot. Tonight during her prayer she interrupted me to mention her timeouts. I responded with "yes, you had a lot of time outs today but tomorrow we're going to have a good day with no time outs and you're going to be a good listener." After being tucked into bed, as I was walking out she said "thanks for the timeout's mommy."