Saturday, September 8, 2012

Prison Break

A few weeks ago the kids were having a sleep over at my parents house. Soon after R had been put down for his nap, my mother heard a loud thud and ran upstairs to find him inside the bedroom knocking to be let out.

I knew it wouldn't be long for him to start climbing out of his bed. The kid is a climber, in every sense of the word. He climbs on top of tables, back of the toilet, and anything else that he can get a leg up on. What he lacks in stature he makes up for in gusto. Truly a monkey. Escaping his crib was inevitable it was only a matter of when.

B on the other hand, sweet gentle B, she was nearly 3 before we even took her out of a crib and into a toddler bed. She never climbed or even thought about the possibility of escape. She was always content on the ground, in her bed, etc. Falling out of bed was never my worry with her.

What do you do when your 18 month old climbs out of bed? I'm not sure about you but denial is my solution. The mentality that just because he did it once doesn't mean he'll do it again. Of course this doesn't work and he did climb out later that same day at my parents house and then once again a few weeks later at our house. Mind you it's not so much as climb out as it is fall out. Head first. From 5 feet up. He's lucky he hasn't gotten a concussion.

It's been a few weeks since he's last attempted flight so I thought "ok, it was just a fluke." You're thinking "Learn your lesson, Becca. It's not just a river."

Today I put him down for his morning nap and after about 5 min. of whining and tired cries, he was quiet. For about 3 min. Then he was screaming. I heard a back door close through the monitor and immediately thought, "crap, the dogs must have pushed his door closed/open and he heard it and now he's angry because the dogs are in his room and he was almost asleep." So I headed towards his room to see what the door noise was about and there he was walking towards me with a smile on his face like "I got out and opened the door all by myself."

Keep in mind the kid doesn't even nap in his crib, he naps in a pack n play. These things are made with extremely high sides and low set mattresses so that they can be used for bigger kids.

So now what, you ask?
I think I'll stick to denial. Surely this won't happen again...