Saturday, July 7, 2012

So much to do

With my kids napping (well one napping and one crying in hopes to be rescued from his crib) and the hubs out on a man date, I have this underlying urge to get up and be productive. I wanted to try making yogurt today. There are some clothes that need to be ironed and some that need folding, there's a kitchen that hasn't seen a broom in a week, and oh yea, it's probably a good time to take a shower considering it's 3:30.

I often find myself with no time to do anything, let alone take care of my personal hygiene. Moments like this are few and far between. Usually those few times that I do try to carve out 10 min. of uninterrupted me time, get inevitably interrupted.

Take Thursday for example. This is always a crazy day because after I drop the kids off at school, I have 2 hours of work that I do for my dad in his home, and then I'm off to West County for two Spanish tutoring gigs. As soon as the second gig ends, I race back to my neighborhood to retrieve my children with not even a minute to spare. It's always a packed crazy day and getting us ready and out the door is never without it's yelling, tears, frustrations, etc. This past Thursday topped the proverbial cake. We were at risk of running late, again, and had 10 minutes before we had to be in the car pulling out of the drive way. I still needed a quick shower. So with the kids nicely and quietly playing in their bedroom, I thought, "yes, here's my chance. It's now or never." As soon as the water came on I heard a "crash...*scream*...mami....*scream*!!!" I stuck my head out of the shower and opened the bathroom door to see into their room and to my horror saw their 4 foot tall dresser laying face down. I jumped out soaking wet, and ran into their room where I found B trapped underneath. I lifted up the dresser and assessed to make sure nothing was broken or bleeding.

Thank God the kid was fine. I should have grabbed her up and held her for like 10 min just cherishing her sweet and uninjured-self. However... I was so mad at her it was all I could do to keep myself from screaming. I had told her before I had gone into the shower, 3 times, not to climb on the drawers of her dresser. I had told her that the drawer could break, that she could get hurt, and that it was not safe. I had even handed her a stool to use to climb on to get whatever it was that she wanted, down. 3 times. 3 TIMES! And then the kid goes and does it anyways not only throwing clothes all over the room, but the potted plant that was on top was now on the floor and everything was covered in dirt!

Once I got her unpinned and the dresser back up and done yelling, I went back to the shower for like a minute and a half. I dressed, grabbed our stuff, shoved the crazies out the door and left the mess.

To my relief the mess was still there when we got home 7 hours later. There's nothing like coming home to dirt all over your carpets.

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