Saturday, January 19, 2013

Princess's and a Birthday

Bela has a limited number of actual friends. I mean being three years old kind of limits her ability to get out and there and fill her social agenda. However on the one day of preschool she goes to each week she's managed to make a real friend. I mean all the kids are her "friends" but Leena is like her FRIEND. She talks about her a lot and the teachers comment on how they're super close during their activities.
So today, Leena had a birthday party. A princess party. One where the attendants were required to wear a princess dress. I mean this was the real deal.

It was adorable and so well put together. Leena's mommy did a fantastic job. Even dad particpated by putting on a sharp looking suit and passing out pink lemonades in champagne glasses presented on a silver tray. Pure elegance for all the tot sized royalty.

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