Monday, June 11, 2012

Terrible 1's, 2's and 3's

Sometimes my kids push my buttons.
Like when it's raining outside and we have to stay inside all day, and one of them thinks it would be fun to scream. So the other one thinks "hey, that sounds good, I think I'll join in". So then they're both screaming for no reason, loudly, while the door is open and my neighbors think "what is she doing to those children?!" Yes, sometimes my kids push my buttons.
Or when my18 month old thinks it's the best ever to go and take the phone off the hook and push it's buttons, repeatedly and smiling while doing it because he knows he's not supposed to. He's thinking "i'm going to keep doing this until I'm old enough to really be punished, because for now all you can do is remove me and tell me 'no'." We're lucky the police or china has not been called yet.
Bela being her 3 year old self likes to try to get R to do what she's doing. This usually involves a lot of yelling, bossing, pushing, pulling and straight up body slamming him into submission. It's great, but really it's not. He starts crying, she gets in trouble, I get mad because she thinks that once her time out is over she should start the terrifying process again. Clearly my parenting and disciplining skills rock.
I mean whoever came up with the term "terrible two's" clearly had never been around a 3 year old before. Or maybe mine's just a late bloomer. Maybe we had so few issues with 2 because she's slow. I hope this isn't the case, but it makes me wonder.
And R, again, clearly the inventor of that saying didn't have a son like mine. One that pushes the limits every chance he can get. Who climbs on every surface with anything that has what is remotely close to a step or a rung. At this point, I can't wait for 2. I can only hope that with increased communication, attention span and listening capabilities, our lives will all be a little less psychotic.

Shhhh.... Don't make any sudden movements. This is the first time my house has been this still in 3 years.

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